
day of silence

my day of silence. was well good. until pe.
non of my teachers asked questions.
i showed them the paper and bam. done.
but not that way in pe.
people were so fucking retarded today.
like as in they were slow and did nothing and were being jerks and asses the whole time.
so i was asked a question and i showed my teacher my slip. WELL everyone wants to read it then. so this girl reads it outloud. did it really need to be read out loud. oh hell naw.
so then they were being more retarded and i flipped.
told the girl to roll the fucking bakk already and this annoying kid to shit up and stop his pointless whining. he like whined for 10 minutes cause a kid dropped a ball.

it is just fucking kickball.

my day of silence ended there.
i really want to do it another day. so maybe tuesday or something i will.
monday is national pot day apparently. LOL.
drugs are bad kids.

well night.

ps today was wonderful after p.e


idea idea idea!!!!

so you know how all youtubers really want to go to all the events. like as in 789 and the northwest gathering. but they are still in the "youtube closet". well i am still in there. i kindof want to tell my mom i am on youtube. but i dont want my account deleted. so here is my plan.
i think i will ask my mom if i can join youtube. by making a new account she wont know bout aaronisanerd. so i think i will make a new account so she knows i am on youtube. and just vlog there. idk
so confused by my typing.

she will know i am youtube. i will tell her my friends. it will be the same. but she will know.
and if she says no. well then nothing wrong will happen.
she wont know bout aaronisanerd or anythingg

idea good?
tell me what you think

today was rad.
the end


short but sweet

since my msn is not working i shall blog.

today i got lost on backroads. cody let me drive! it was so much fun! so i was driving anf bam we got lost. and i was like OH NOS!
then we got unlost and went to walmart. cody and i had a lot in common. like kingdom hearts and candy. also pokemon and much more things.
we had a greeat time.

today was good.
got a call from alli.
i called bridget<3
msn fails.
skype is yay for wokring!

that is all



so i wished i would have done the blog every day in april thingy. blogging makes me feel okay. and happy. :] omg. i just hit the composed button and now my blogger typing words look so pretty. that makes me happy too :]. so today i started spring break! yay!! i got back on tuesday next week, but i have a field trip that day. so i reall go back on that wedensday. :D have you ever notice that most schools give you off that monday after spring break? probably cuse most of the kids just go off and get drunk. wow how smart.
i seriously think that getting drunk just cause you can is fucking stupid. you could lose so much by drinking. you cant drive if you get caught. your parents will probably never trust you ever again. and then people will think badly of you. "oh he gets drunk every weekend with his friends! he is a bad kid! lets all hate him!" when the people saying it do that same thing he is doing. lameness.
cant kids go and have fun without alcohol? i can. it isnt hard. i do every weekend. i dont think. but because i live where i live. teachers think you will most likely be getting drunk. it is lame like i said before.

hmm. do people really read these blogs? i always wonder that. idk why. i just do!
so i love bridget<3>


errr this is an okay blog.

Today. was depressing til after p.e
and i hate p.e.
spanish was okay. i just hate the teacher.
geography was fine.
geometry. we had a quiz. oh well.
pe was just. fun.

spring break starts tomorrow. yay!
okays. so tonight.
i am noticing bad things about me. again
this happened last year. and i made things go very bad.
see. i dont have a good view on my body. i hated it.
i was too skinny. or i was too fat. in my eyes.
everyone else didnt mine my body. but i thought they did.
last year in general was horrible.

i thought people were thinking all this mean stuff bout me. just cause i was the way i am.
this year. no one cares. probably cause i said fuck it. i like the way i am in english last year. my teacher just said. "OKAY class lets continue." that was my best day probably all year.

this year i am starting to feel the same way i did.
only just bout my body image.. i dont think i am fat, and i dont think i am skinny.
i think i am having a baby. all i do is eat.

so i decided not to do what i did last year. instead. i am going to start changing my food habits.

salad? heck yes.
i just need to eat healthier.

body image cause of what you look like too. not just skinny and fat.
i see me as pale. and weak.
i dont want to think that way.
so tanning and running are back in.

i just dont want to feel like i did last year.
i want to be happy. again..

job hunting. not good. but i am cutting my neighbors yard again
i get 30 bucks.
which! isnt bad. 30 a week?
a month i will have 120 dollars.
summer is 3 or 2 months.
so overall i will have about...120x3=360.
i think. LOL

that will last summer.
summer is near. so yah.

comments are welcome.

ps-if you ask me what i did last year. i will most likely tell you.



fuck it all.

here. you might understand now.

so on sunday i been worried bout my best friend kristine all weekend. abby and i waited for her to get to school that day. she finally gets there as the bell rings. she tells us that she has to go a private school. a fucking private school. she looks like she is bout to bust into tears right in front of us. and that whole day sucked fucking ass. i am losing my fucking best friend. OH and you want to know why. her parents dont want her to be the way she is. and that makes her parents mad at me and abby now. cause i am gay. and abby is bi. and they think kristine is the wya she is. because of us. FUCK THAT. i dont want to lose her at all. i cant have her gone. she is my best friend.
later that night. my dad. yells at me for not having a job. it isnt my fault i cant get a job. at all. i tried very hard to get a job. and no one will accept me to work there. and it isnt my fault. i do want a job. no. i fucking need a job.
i cried myself to sleep that night.

sucked more.
kristine wasnt at school. she was gone all day.
dad yelled again.

was amazing. no problems. it was wonderful

perfect. i think i like this boy. and i think the internet sucks. and i think not having a boyfriend sucks more. everyone believes i should have a boyfriend. i dont. stop thinking i should. i dont. makes me mad that everyone thinks that. i want a boyfriend. i dont have one. and i think having would be fucking great. just to have someone that would care and be there for you. perfect.

amazing time with abby. we went to a soccer game. we had food. it was good.
when driving home. we talked bout. losing kristine. she will change. we wont have her. we wont hang. we talked bout college and the rest of the school year. we think that we will be there for each other. until school./ and then when college comes. we wont ever see each other anymore. i want to travel. i want to be there with my friends. colleges ruins plans. i dont want to lose my friends. at all. i will miss them way to much.
cried again.

saturday night:
so my parents. not buying me a car. micky ds cant hire me until summer. i have no fucking way to work if i get a job. no money. no car. nothing. it sucks. paretns arent going to help. fuck that. i cant even drive yet. not far at all. fuck it all.

internet life atm.:
on 1awesomweek i fail so bad.
i suck at vlogs there and everyone should know it. i hate that i dont try to make a good vlog on there. i just been depressed.
aaronisanerd. idfk at all.
friends. i seem to be doing nothing but whining to them. i hate that. i want to fix that and not whine. i want to be happy. i want to meet these people. they are so amazing. ily internet friends.
i hate failing at vlogs. and i hate tweeting sad/rude things.

i needed to say everything. even this.

being gay. is hard. i hate being gay. yet i love it.
my friends love me no matter what. but it is so hard to be gay.
no one where i live is gay. and it sucks.
i hate being made fun of because i am the wya i am.
it isnt fair.. i want to be treated the way i treat people.
i want someone to be there.

comments are welcomed.
say whatever.
even if it is mean. idc.

bye. .