

Tell that you love me more<3.
So today was one of them days when you wake up you fell like dancing. I could tell it was going to be an amazing day, you know what I mean tho? Like when nothing can bring you down at all and I just felt wow wonderful. So i got ready, did my hair, and got dressed and grab my gloves and hat and jacket, and walked my way up to the bus stop. Now the way to school is about 5 minutes and like it is sooo cold outside. So i walk inside with gloves and all the other kids were like all just a jacket and books and i looked like i was preparing for the ice age dudes. lmao it was soo weird. and then i am all warm and people are like BRR why is it cold!! Well i it is 20 degress outside. duh.

So i get to school, well high school, and I find all my friends and eat and blah blah blah. spanish, geograhpy, geometry[which courtney and i had a great time!!], health, p.e, lunch which there was soo going to be a fight and it hasnt happened yet, biology, and english. Today was a pretty good day.

and yah. my mother is finally like being nice. lmao. i may come out of both closets, youtube and me being gay, soon. I believe though, it isnt easy to come out to them. They were born in the country and being gay is like wrong, but i have to come out one day. Once i do it will be good. i hope.

Buneary is my favorite pokemon for today :D


i believe

There are many things i believe that isn't fair at all. One reason is on how kids today are judged on how they look and what they do. So a kid likes to wear black and look depressing, but does that mean they are a bad kid? No, it means they like to express their feeling in their clothes. I think that people just judge on looks and how people act. Today's society does not like people that are different. Those different people are amazing. They are the people who might change the world. But people judge them and just think their ideas are stupid and lame.

Drama. I believe it should be avoided. Everybody in this world believes they all have drama, but it can all be solved in a discussion. If the people would sit and talk for at least 10 minutes, the whole thing could be solve. But people have to be stupid and just ignored what is going on around them and say nothing. They want nothing to do with it, they can care less. Talk to the person. And if you are friends with the person and this drama can not be solved, it isnt wise for you to continue your friendship. A true friend will always be there for you and no stupid lil drama should break that bond.

If people would listen to each other and get along this would would be a lil better everyday.

-this blog isnt the best. tell me what you think please.