
idea idea idea!!!!

so you know how all youtubers really want to go to all the events. like as in 789 and the northwest gathering. but they are still in the "youtube closet". well i am still in there. i kindof want to tell my mom i am on youtube. but i dont want my account deleted. so here is my plan.
i think i will ask my mom if i can join youtube. by making a new account she wont know bout aaronisanerd. so i think i will make a new account so she knows i am on youtube. and just vlog there. idk
so confused by my typing.

she will know i am youtube. i will tell her my friends. it will be the same. but she will know.
and if she says no. well then nothing wrong will happen.
she wont know bout aaronisanerd or anythingg

idea good?
tell me what you think

today was rad.
the end


John Ryan said...

I dunno. I would just come out and tell her. "oh hai Mom. yeah Im'a popular youtuber and I wanna go to 789. k thx."

but I dunno. do what you think is right :)

Josh said...

im sure she wouldnt care... lol