
day of silence

my day of silence. was well good. until pe.
non of my teachers asked questions.
i showed them the paper and bam. done.
but not that way in pe.
people were so fucking retarded today.
like as in they were slow and did nothing and were being jerks and asses the whole time.
so i was asked a question and i showed my teacher my slip. WELL everyone wants to read it then. so this girl reads it outloud. did it really need to be read out loud. oh hell naw.
so then they were being more retarded and i flipped.
told the girl to roll the fucking bakk already and this annoying kid to shit up and stop his pointless whining. he like whined for 10 minutes cause a kid dropped a ball.

it is just fucking kickball.

my day of silence ended there.
i really want to do it another day. so maybe tuesday or something i will.
monday is national pot day apparently. LOL.
drugs are bad kids.

well night.

ps today was wonderful after p.e

1 comment:

Johnanthony said...

I hate it when a-holes make a big deal about sports in PE. Get over yourselves!

YAY for Day of Silence! I'm doing it next Thurs. because my school is still out on break, woot!

And drugs are bad. Unless nobody finds out you take them. OH SNAPPPP!