

so. today mostly sucked.
i learned my driving for school is seriously fucked up.
i was supposed to drive 2 times this week. and because people havnt been driving. there are 2 groups. and group one never brings there permits. and group 2 is supposed to go instead. well no. he is like no, no one will drive then. so imight drive tomorrow. idfk. gah.
after p.e is lunch. and as in line. i grad my water, and i get more food today cause i was super hungry. "omg aaron get enough food. you should be fat" and as i am paying. "omfg. aaron how can you eat so much and never get fat." you know what. i dont fucking know.
i learn blake and courtney are moving too. i fucking love them. i dont want them to move away..
biology. my teacher give us a 3 page homework packet. these are usally bout...30-50 points. well my teachers said that this was only 15 points, 5 points per page. oh here is the best fucking part. miss one question on a page and you get a zero on that page.
WTF that isnt fair. i try reallt hard to get a good grade. and now we get fucking ripped off. no. not fair. fucking stupid..
i get home..my sister is being a bitch. she is 11 and acts like she is amazing. my dad gets home. jesslyn said i didnt let her play my ps2 or anything. and i dont care if she plays my ps2. cause i never play it. heck it isnt even in my room.. dad gets pissed. i take a nap.
i wake up. i am told to cook. i made chicken like my mom said. i did everything she old me to do. and dad sees me cooking. "the food this isnt going to be done in time. why are you cooking. it is going to taste horrible. you are doing it all wrong." i said shut up. i did actually what my mom said to do. he was whining and ticking me off. omfg. i i went down stairs. oh and bein g on the computer is now bad. gahh..
mom gets home said food was great. i tell her my plans for friday and she was like "oh, you had plans? you are going to the mall" i told her all of this last week... i was like i need some money. and she told me to get a job. i ccant get a job. i been tring to get jobs. i cant get oine cause i am 15. lame.

she whines. everyone whines.
i wasnt happy.

i dont like anything atm. ..

sorry for the bad foods.
i am shacking i am so mad.

1 comment:

bridget said...

oh no aaron ): <3 i love you, i'm sure things will get better!!