
oh [fill in title here]

oh youtube
you make me wanna tell my parents i am on youtube. :/
i really wanna tell them. cause one. youtube is the sex. xD
i mean i made so many good friends and everyone is soo nice.
and i wanna go to gatherings and meet everyone.
youtube has giving me subscribers, a collab channel, and tons of smiles [cheesy much]

gave youtube i love you.

oh friends.
what would i do without you.
you are always there for me. and you always make me smile.
yes, we do crazy things. like dancing around in the streets and hope cars dont hit us, and run around in houses. or go to the mall just to talk bout how much we like something and never get it, but then secretly we buy it for someone, just to make them happy :]
see we are a lil crazy. kristine is my boyfriend and abby is my hubby, and we are all going to get married :]
abby and i plan to get an apartment and we go to walmart and be like "OMG this is going in our apartment!" and people just go ...wtf
kristine you are your wild ideas. i love you. we go to walmart just go go to walmart :]

yup we are amazing <333

oh my addictions.
ski. i love you. marry me. have my babies.<333
pokemon. become real.<333
sunglasses. well keep that sun away <333
[psst. i miss shutter shades.]
my hat. i love you. <333 keeping me warming in the cold weather.
blankys<33 do i have to tell you why



comment please.
tell em what you think.
i will try to blog blog soon
and i will try to vlog soon too


1 comment:

Andrea said...

ILY Aaron. you are AMAZING.